The objective of this paper is to give the knowledge about Advanced DBMS.
Introduction, Distributed Data Storage, Distributed Transactions, Commit protocol: 2-phase, 3-phase, Concurrency Control in distributed Environment, Distributed Query Processing: horizontal/vertical fragmentation
Introduction, Parallel Architecture, I/O Parallelism, Interquery Parallelism, Intra Query Parallelism, Intraoperation Parallelism: Parallel Sort, Parallel Join, Interoperation Parallelism: Pipelined and Independent Parallelism
Introduction, Object oriented Database, Object oriented Data Model, Features of Object Oriented Languages, Persistent Programming Languages, ORDBMS: Nested Relations, Complex Types, OQL, Inheritance, Reference Types, Storage for Object Databases, Comparison of OODBMS and ORDBMS.
Introduction, Measures of Query Cost, Selection Operation, Sorting, Join Operation, Set Operations, Evaluation of Expressions, Recovery and Atomicity, Failure Classification, Log based recovery and Log Maintenance.
Introduction, Advantages of PL/SQL over SQL, block, architecture, character set, data types, compilation, programming constructs: conditional statement, iteration, exception handling, cursors: implicit, explicit, cursor for loop, procedures, functions, triggers, packages
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2. R.Elmasri and SB Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Management Systems”, Addison Wesley, 4th Ed., 2004