To get familiar with different models, documents, estimation techniques, project plans, test plans used in software development.
Exercises will be practiced using open source tool like AgroUML, Eclipse.
Question 1:
Prepare SRS for Banking or Online bookstore domain problem.
Question 2:
Using COCOMO Model, estimate effort for Banking or Online bookstore domain problem.
Question 3:
Calculate effort-using FP oriented estimation model.
Question 4:
Analyze the risk related to the project (Banking or Online book store) and prepare RMMM plan.
Question 5:
Develop Time-line chart and project table using PERT or CPM scheduling methods.
Question 6:
Draw an E-R diagram and DFD for the project (Banking or Online book store).
Question 7:
Design the test cases for the above domains.
Question 8:
Prepare Formal Technical Review, Version Control and Change Control for software configuration items.
Question 9:
Suppose that you need to develop an Employee Information System (EIS) for an organization whose employee strength is 100000.
Now, perform the following activities for EIS. Make assumptions, wherever necessary.
Question 10:
Draw an E-R diagram for Library Management System.
Question 11:
Draw an E-R diagram for the ATM System.
Question 12:
A social networking site needed to be developed. Only college/university students are allowed to be registered. Each user of the system should be able to send e-mail to anyone if he has agreed to become his friend. He can post his own photograph, his friend photograph and also send gifts electronically. There should be provision for saving, formatting e-mail as well as printing them. The system should also prompt the user there is an e-mail for him/her.
Perform the following tasks:
Question 13:
Consider a university registration system. The system is to handle student registration for various courses offered by the university as well as for examinations. Identify the risks associated with such a software system.
Question 14:
A system for publishing electronic journals / magazines of different branches of engineering is needed. Only those who have valid subscription to the site are allowed to access. An organization, which have many people to access the web site but purchased only one license, one should not be allowed to access in site for more than 2 hours. If someone has opened the site but not active, the control should go to the next one in queue. There should be provision of searching an article by author's name as well as by article's name. There should be also a provision for sending comments against any article as well as printing them.
Perform the following tasks:
(c) Draw an E - R diagram and its related tables with integrity constraints.
Question 15:
A medical shop wants to automate its inventory on day to day basis. The system records all items and its quantities that a customer purchases: It should also record arriving materials from suppliers as well as losses of items due to spoilage. After purchase of items worth 6000/- by a customer, he gets 400/- worth medicines free of cost. The system should inform the customer through mailing facility. The system should also generate daily/weekly report about the status of inventory.
Perform the following tasks:
(c) Draw an E - R diagram and related tables with integrity constraints.
Question 16:
A list of employees with their basic pay is sent to a clerk. He calculates the gross pay using standard allowances, which are known for each pay slab. Deduction statements, such as loan repayments, subscription to association, etc., are also sent to another clerk who matches these slips with the slips of gross pay and calculates net pay. This slip is used by a third clerk to write out pay cheques for each employee and sent to respective employee.
Perform the following tasks:
Question 17:
List all the functional and non-functional requirements and also produce a project-scheduling chart using Gantt chart technique for hospital management system.
Question 18:
Consider developing a system for Inventory Management for a super market that has a number of branches all over a city. Perform the following activities:
Question 19:
Create a test plan for Library Management System. You can make necessary assumptions and specify them.
Question 20:
Produce a project-scheduling chart using Gantt chart technique for ATM System and also develop a test plan for the system.