The course will enable the students to
Course Outcomes (COs):
Learning outcome (at course level) | Learning and teaching strategies | Assessment Strategies |
CO 1 – Explain the basics of computer system CO5 - Analyse the role of Internet in daily life. | InIntroduction to Computers teractive Lectures, Discussions, student centered approach, Through Video Tutorials Learning activities: Presentations, Quizzes and Assignments |
Introduction to Computers (definition, characteristics & uses), Evolution of computers, System unit (memory, ALU & control unit), Input / Output devices, Storage devices (Memory- primary & secondary).
Introduction to Software, its type (system, application & utility); Programming languages (machine, assembly & high-level), Language processors (assembler, compiler & interpreter).
Introduction to Data Processing: Elements of Data Processing, Data Processing Activities.
Concept of Operating System, Introduction to Windows, features (Desktop & its components, the window, the application window (various bars), the document window, the dialog window, the icons, Getting Help).
Windows explorer; Control panel, Setting wallpaper, screen saver, background.
Creating a folder, Compressing/ Zipping files (WinZip), Virus & Antivirus.
Computer and Networks, Need for networking, Components of network, modem, types of networks (LAN, WAN, hybrid networks), Structuring of Networks (Server Based, Client Based& Peer-to-Peer)
Introduction to Internet, Uses of internet, Website, Web browsers, WWW, E-mail, Sending Email, Attaching files with E-mail.
Chatting & Conferencing; Using Search engines, using Boolean operators in Searching, Introduction to Meta search Engines, making use of web resources; Blogs: Introduction, Types of blogs, blogging consequences, social networking sites.
Basic Security Concepts: Threats to Users (Identity Theft, Loss of Privacy), Virus & Worms, Cookies, Spam, Firewall
E - Commerce an introduction, Concepts, Advantages and disadvantages, Technology in E- Commerce, Internet & E-business, Applications, Electronic Payment Systems: Introduction, Types of Electronic Payment Systems.
1. Mahapatra & Sinha, “Essentials of Information Technology”, Dhanpat Rai Publishing
2. Bott and Leonhard, “Using Office 2000”, Prentice Hall of India