The course will enable the students to
1. Develop the fundamental knowledge of electronics by learning various topics viz. circuit analysis, network theorems, P-N diode equation, transistors and transistor amplifiers.
2. Learn logic gates and IC’s.
Course Outcomes (at course level) | Learning and teaching strategies | Assessment Strategies | |
On completion of this course, the students will: CO211. Understanding of basic Electronics components concepts and theories. CO212. Understanding of semiconductor components concepts and theories. CO213. Analyze different types of transistors and its configurations CO214. Analyze different types of ICs and its fabrication. CO215. Develop a skill to build digital logic circuits using basic logic gates and universal gates. | Approach in teaching. Interactive Lectures, Discussion and Demonstration. Learning activities for the students. Practice modules and Assignments. | Practical File Preparation, Assignments, Semester end examinations. |
Analog and Digital signals, Advantages and Limitation of digital systems,, Digital logic levels, Number Systems (Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal), Binary arithmetic, Number system conversion, Rules of Boolean Algebra, Simplification of Boolean algebra, DE Morgan’s Theorem, Logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, Ex OR, Ex NOR), Combinational Logic Design. Standards representation for logical expression, Minimization of logical functions in terms of Maxterm and Minterm, Simplifications of Boolean equations using K-maps, don’t care conditions.
Analog and Digital signals, Advantages and Limitation of digital systems,, Digital logic levels, Number Systems (Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal), Binary arithmetic, Number system conversion, Rules of Boolean Algebra, Simplification of Boolean algebra, DE Morgan’s Theorem, Logic gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, Ex OR, Ex NOR), Combinational Logic Design. Standards representation for logical expression, Minimization of logical functions in terms of Maxterm and Minterm, Simplifications of Boolean equations using K-maps, don’t care conditions.