Objective: The course is designed to understand the skills and techniques needed to excel in graphics design, to explore the fundamentals of design principles and concepts of multimedia.
Learning Outcome | Learning and Teaching Strategies | Assessment Strategies-
The Students will: CO 6. Describe digital image fundamentals CO 8. Design graphics with the help of various tools, layer options, masks, shapes and objects. | Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussions, student centered approach, Through video Tutorials Learning activities: Presentations, Quizzes and Assignments
| Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects and peer review.
Image Fundamentals: Basic Concepts of Images: Digital Images and digital image representation format- TIFF, BMP, JPG/JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF, PSD. Importance of file formats. Bitmap Images and Vector Graphics, Image Size and Resolution, Creating new Images, Scanning, Import & Export, Setting up resolution, size. File formats of images:- image preview, Bitmap, Gray Scale and color options.
Introduction to image editing software: Creating, Opening, Saving files. Presets for a new file, Workspace Overview, Layers: Create Layers, Adding a name to the layers, Dragging and Pasting selections on the layers, Dragging layers between files, Viewing and Hiding layers, Editing layers, Copying, Duplicating and Moving layers, Deleting layers, Merging layers, Preserving layers' transparency, Layer modes, Blending options, Using adjustment layers. Masks: Creating a quick mask, editing masks using quick mask mode.
Toolbox: Selection Tools, Crop Tool, Slice Tool, Slice Select, Measuring Tools: Eyedropper, Color Sampler, Ruler, Note and Count. Retouching Tools, Brush Tools, Gradient and Paint Bucket. Palettes: History Palette, Action Palettes, Color, Swatches, Style, Adjustment Palette.
Advanced Tools and Web Graphics: Drawing and Type Tools, Custom Shape, Using Filters, Lens Correction, Liquify, Vanishing Point, Printing: Printing with Color Management in Photoshop. Web Graphics: Slicing web pages, modifying slice layout, HTML options for slices, Save for Web & Devices.
Video and Animation: Overview, creating images for video, Importing video files and image sequences, Painting frames in video layers, Editing videos and animation layers, Creating frame animations with timeline, Previewing, Saving and exporting video and animation. Navigation and 3D Tools: 3D Object Rotate, 3D Object Roll, 3D Object Pan, 3D Object Slide, 3D Object Scale. 3D Rotate Camera, 3D Roll Camera, 3D Pan Camera, 3D Walk Camera, 3D Zoom Camera. Hand, Rotate View and Zoom.
Suggested Text Books
Suggested Reference Books
Reference Journals
E-Resources including links
[1] https://csit.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/multimedia-and-animation-lab-generic-elective-course
[2] https://www.adobepress.com/authors/bio/9b871b00-8006-4611-9897-96f66e151496
[3] https://www.adobepress.com/authors/bio/9926a9cb-8b55-4bc3-bacb-836192ed9414
[4] http://www.peachpit.com/imprint/index.aspx?st=61071
[5] http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?_encoding=UTF8&field-author=Adobe%20Creative%20Team&search-alias=books&sort=relevancerank
[6] https://csit.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2023-24