AI for Daily Usages


Title of the event: AI for Daily Usages

Type of Event: FDP

Date: 13 January 2024

Target Group: Faculty Members

Name of the activity Coordinator:  Dr. Neha Tiwari

Resource Person: Ms. Rekha Jain, Manipal University And Mr. Satyendra Singh Chouhan, MNIT  

No. of Beneficeries: 139


Objectives of the Extension Activity


  • To spread the fundamental knowledge of AI and its usage in daily life 

  • To acquaint the participants with Generative AI and its implementations




A day long FDP on the theme, “AI for Daily Usages” was organized by the School of CS & IT and Faculty Development Committee of IIS (Deemed to be University), Jaipur on 13 January 2024.  The FDP had two different sessions from separate experts. Session one was taken by Dr. Rekha Jain who presented her talk on “AI for Everyone”. She explained the meaning of Artificial Intelligence and discussed about the branches of AI and its applications. She elaborated on Machine Learning which allows the machine to learn by itself and take decisions thereby increasing its efficiency and improve its performance. Dr. Rekha also explained the concept of Deep Learning which makes computations of multi-layered neural networks. Applications of AI in daily life includes robotics, speech to text, smart cities, Internet of Things (IoT), medical diagnosis, stock market trading, online fraud detection and lot more. She stated that job opportunities are available in finance, health care, retail, energy and almost every sector.

Dr. Satyendra Chauhan delivered his talk during the second session on, “Introduction to GenerativeAI”. He stated that Generative AI generates some new images, text, clone audio etc., from the already existing or non-existing contents. Dr. Chauhan also explained the process of generative modelling that can be used in education for personalized learning, grading and assessment. He drew comparison between AI and traditional Machine Learning. He also discussed about fully visible belief network and Generative Adversial Network (GAN). Ethical principles in generative AI like transparency, fairness, privacy concerns and security were also highlighted.


The FDP helped the target group in understanding the core concepts of most in-demand technology, that is, “Artificial Intelligence” and its sub components. Participants across the domains came to know about the applications of AI in daily life and how it is going to impact the future of everyone.

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