The Course of study for the M. Sc.(Information Technology) shall comprise of four semesters. First semester will consist of five theory papers, 4 Practical papers. Second semester will have four theory papers & four Practical papers and a seminar. Third semesters will consist of five theory papers, two Practical papers and a minor project. Fourth semester will be composed of elective II & a major project. The elective has to be chosen by the student out of the given list. The major project should be undertaken by the student & must be of at least 90 days. .

Each theory subject shall be evaluated for one hundred marks out of which semester-end examination shall be for seventy marks. The concerned teacher shall award the remaining thirty marks internally. The semester-end examination shall be of three hours duration. Each practical subject shall be evaluated for one hundred marks out of which, semester end examinations shall be for seventy and internal assessment for thirty marks.