This Module will cover the basic concepts of computer fundamentals.
Introduction to Computer:-Definition, Characteristics, Generation of Computers, Capabilities and Limitations, Introduction to Operating System, Concept of Bios, Booting Files, Basic Components of a Computer System-Control Unit, ALU, Input/Output functions and characteristics.
Memory: Introduction, Classifications- Volatile Memory and Non- Volatile , Flash Memory, ROM, RAM, EPROM, PROM, EEPROM other types of memory.
Input, Output and storage Units:-Computer Keyboard, Pointing Devices: Mouse, Trackball, Touch Panel, and Joystick, Light Pen, Scanners, Various types of Monitors, Touch-sensitive screens, Optical Recognition System, Pen based systems, Digitizers, MICR, OCR, OMR, Bar-code Reader, Digital Camera, Floppy Disk Drive, Hard Disk Drive, Hard Copy Devices:- Impact and Non- Impact Printers- Daisy Wheel, Dot Matrix, Line Printer, Chain Printer, Comb Printers, Non Impact Printers- DeskJet, Laser Printer, Thermal Transfer Printer, Barcode Printers, Electro static printers and plotters.
High Level Language and Low Level Language, Software and its different types- System Software, Application software, Hardware, Firmware, Compiler, Interpreter and Assembler. File Allocation Table (FAT, FAT 32 & NTFS).
Booting process details of DOS and Windows: - DOS system files, Internal and External Commands,
SMPS, SCSI, Hard Disk Drive, Monochrome Monitor and its troubleshooting, Dot Matrix Printers,
Installing Printers in DOS & Windows, Study of diagnostics of Motherboard, Keyboard, Mouse using “Checkit”, Study of Norton Disk Edit, NDD & Disk tool.
1. D. Balasubramaniam, “Computer and Servicing”, TMH.