This course is focused on the study of basic concepts of Operating systems & its user interfaces.
Introduction to operating System, its need and Operating system services, Definition, batch systems, Time sharing systems, Personal computer systems, Real time systems.
Process Management: Process concept, Process scheduling, Definition of context switching. CPU Scheduling: Basic concepts, Scheduling criteria, Scheduling algorithms.
Deadlocks: Deadlock characterization, Methods for handling deadlocks, Deadlock prevention, Deadlock avoidance, Deadlock detection and recovery. Memory Management: Logical versus Physical address space, Swapping, Contiguous allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with paging.
Virtual Memory: Demand paging, Performance of demand paging, Page replacement, Page replacement algorithms, Thrashing.
File Management: File system Structure, Allocation methods: Contiguous allocation, Linked allocation, Indexed allocation.
Device Management: Disk structure, Disk scheduling: FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN, LOOK, Selecting disk scheduling algorithm.
Introduction to Open Source Operating System: Case Study Unix/ Linux.
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “ Modern Operating Systems”, Addison Wesley. 2. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, “ Operating System Concepts”, Addison-Wesley Publishing. Co., 4th. Ed., 1994. 3. Brinch Hansen, “Operating System Principles”, Prentice-Hall, 1984. 4. N. Haberman, “Introduction to Operating System Design”, Galgotia Publication, 1986. 5. Brich Hansen, “The Architecture of Concurrent Programs”, PHI, 1978. 6. Dhamdhere “System Programming & Operating Systems”, TMH.