Paper Code: 
MCA 526

Upon successful completion of this lab the student of this lab will be able to:

  1. To Familiarize with creation of Programs of different algorithm.
  2. To make solution of different searching and Sorting problems
  3. To make students acquainted with programming skills to convert Dynamic Programming, Greedy method and Backtracking.


Unit I: 


  1. Practical examination will consists of: Performance, viva-voce examination, record of programs submitted by the candidate.
  2. System Requirements :


  1. Hardware Requirement: Processors – 2.0 GHz or Higher, RAM- 256 MB or Higher Hard Disk-20 GB or Higher,  Operating System - Windows XP or any other version.
  2. Software Requirement: Turbo C Compiler.




  1. Stacks and queues
  2. Link List and Trees
  3. graphs – basic traversal and search techniques
  4. binary search – merge sort – Quick sort
  5. Greedy method:-knapsack problem
  6. Greedy method minimum cost spanning tree
  7. Dynamic Programming – 0/1 Knapsack
  8. Dynamic Programming – traveling salesman problem

9.   Backtracking 8-Queens problem

10.  Backtracking Sum of Subsets

11.  Backtracking 0/1 Knapsack problem




Academic Year: