Max. Marks: 100.00 Course Objectives The course enables the students to 6. Construct cases and new ideas where the knowledge of advanced features of Java can be implemented. Course Outcomes(COs): Learning Outcome (at course level) Learning and teaching strategies Assessment Strategies CO72. Define advanced concepts of Java. CO73. Describe the basic concepts of JDBC, Sessions tracking and Servlets. CO74. Illustrate how to use JSP, JDBC and Servlets to create web applications. CO75. Compare between JSP web applications and Spring Web Applications CO76. Evaluate the pros and cons of using JSP, Servlet and Spring MVC in different applications. CO77. Develop Web applications using advanced Java features. Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Modelling, Discussions, implementing practical based learning, Student centered approach Learning activities for the students: Experiential Learning, Self- learning such as use of NPTEL materials and internets, Presentations, Discussions, Quizzes and Assignments · Assignments · Classroom Activity · Presentations · Semester End Examination
Need of J2EE, J2EE Architecture, J2EE APIs, J2EE Containers. Web Application Basics, Architecture and Challenges of Web Application, Servlet Life Cycle, Developing and Deploying Servlets, Exploring Deployment Descriptor (web.xml), Handling Request and Response, Inter Servlet Communication
The JDBC Connectivity Model, Types of JDBC Drivers., Basic steps to JDBC, setting up a connection to database, Creating and executing SQL statements, ResultSet and ResultSet Metadata Object. Accessing Database, Servlet Chaining, Session Tracking and Management
Basic JSP Architecture, Life Cycle of JSP, JSP Tags & Expressions, JSP Implicit Objects, JSP Directives, Tag Libraries, Using JDBC with JSP, Accessing a Database, Adding a Form, Updating the Database.
Spring Philosophies, Spring Containers, Spring Configuration File, Spring Beans, The BeanFactory Interface, Singleton vs. Prototype, Bean Naming, Dependency injection with Spring.
Spring Web MVC, The DispatcherServlet, A Simple View Page, Adding a View Resolver, Adding a Message Bundle, Adding Business Classes, Adding Test Data.