This module will help the student to learn the logical model of a particular organization of data effectively.
Introduction to Data Structure: Information and meaning, Arrays (one, two and multi dimensional), Row major and column major form, representation of strings, allocation of storage and scope of variable, String Processing, Pointers, Structures & unions. Algorithm definition and its characteristics, Abstract data types.
Linked list: Introduction to linked list, linked list as a data structure, creation, insertion and deletion of nodes from a list, getnode and free node operations, concept of header nodes, array implementation of lists and its limitation, Allocating and freeing dynamic memory, comparing dynamic and array implementation of lists. Doubly Linked lists, Circular linked lists and Circular Double linked lists. C implementation: Singly & circular linked lists,
Stack: Definition, Primitive operations, representing stack in C, implementing the push and pop operation, testing exceptional conditions, infix, postfix and prefix expression (definition and examples),infix to postfix, evaluation of postfix expression (Algorithm and C implementation). Linked implementation of stacks.
Recursion definition and processes, algorithms, recursion in C, Writing recursive programs (e.g. Factorial, multiplication, Fibonacci sequence, Binary search, Towers of Hanoi Problem), Properties of recursive definition or Algorithms, Efficiency of recursion. Searching: Linear and Binary Search.
Queues: Introduction, Definition of Queue and its sequential representation, C implementation of queues, insert and remove operation, Applications and Priority queues. Linked implementation of queues, linked implementation of priority queue, Queue as circular list. Sorting: Exchange Sorts (Bubble sort, Quick sort), Straight Selection sort, and Insertion sorts.