Analysis and Design Algorithm LAB

Paper Code: 
MCA 526

 The course will enable the students to

  1. Define the  concepts of  Data Structure.
  2. Understand the syntax and semantics for implementing algorithms
  3. Implement the concepts to find the solution using various linear and non linear data structure
  4. Implement the concepts to find the solution using various greedy, backtracking and dynamic programming algorithms
  5. Evaluate the understanding of the concepts by applying them to problems in different domains.

 Create and develop Software project

  1. Write programs in c and apply concepts of dynamic programming, greedy approach, backtracking etc.


Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

Learning Outcome (at course level)

Students will be able to:

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies


  1. Define how the advanced concepts of data structure can help in different applications
  2. Understand the basic features of advanced programming and apply them in different applications.
  3. Implement the practical knowledge of various linear and non linear data structure
  4. Implement the practical knowledge of various greedy , dynamic and backtracking algorithms
  5. Understand and formulation of the concepts by applying them to problems in different domains.


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures,

Modeling, Discussions, implementing enquiry based learning, student centered approach, Through audio-visual aids


Learning activities for the students:

Experiential Learning, Presentations, Discussions, Quizzes and Assignments


  • Assignments
  • Written test in classroom
  • Classroom Activity
  • Continuous Assessment
    • SemesterEnd Examination




  1. Practical examination will consists of: Performance, viva-voce examination, record of programs submitted by the candidate.
  2. System Requirements :


  1. Hardware Requirement: Processors – 2.0 GHz or Higher, RAM- 256 MB or Higher Hard Disk-20 GB or Higher,  Operating System - Windows XP or any other version.
  2. Software Requirement: Turbo C Compiler.


  1. Stacks and queues
  2. Link List and Trees
  3. Graphs – basic traversal and search techniques
  4. Binary search – merge sort – Quick sort
  5. Greedy method:-knapsack problem
  6. Greedy method minimum cost spanning tree
  7. Dynamic Programming – 0/1 Knapsack
  8. Dynamic Programming – traveling salesman problem
  9. Backtracking 8-Queens problem
  10. Backtracking Sum of Subsets
  11. Backtracking 0/1 Knapsack problem


Academic Year: