The course will enable the students to
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
Learning Outcome (at course level) Students will be able to: | Learning and teaching strategies | Assessment Strategies |
| Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Modeling, Discussions, implementing practical based learning, Student centered approach
Learning activities for the students: Experiential Learning, Self- learning such as use of NPTEL materials and internets, Presentations, Discussions, Quizzes and Assignments
Introduction: Origin of computer graphics, Application of computer graphics– Random scan &Raster scan systems, Display devices- CRT, LCD, plasma panel. LED devices- input & output devices. Raster scan & Random Scan displays, Output Primitives: Point & Line, DDA, Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm, circle generating algorithms.
Two Dimensional Transformation: Introduction to transformations, Matrix Representation, Types of Transformations in Two-Dimensional Graphics:Identity Transformation, Scaling, Reflection, Shear Transformations, Rotation, Translation, Rotation about an Arbitrary Point, Combined Transformation, Homogeneous Coordinates, 2D Transformations using Homogeneous Coordinates.
Three-dimensional transformations: Objects in Homogeneous Coordinates, Three- Dimensional Transformations: Scaling, Translation, Rotation, Shear Transformations, Reflection, World Coordinates and Viewing Coordinates, Projection, Parallel Projection, Perspective Projection.
Viewing and Solid Area Scan-Conversion: Introduction to viewing and clipping, Viewing Transformation in Two Dimensions, Introduction to Clipping, Two- Dimensional Clipping, Point Clipping, Line Clipping, Introduction to a Polygon Clipping.
Introduction to Solid Area Scan: Conversion, Coherence Property, Polygon Filling, Seed Fill Algorithm, Scan Line Algorithm
Introduction to curves : Curve Continuity, Conic Curves, Parametric Curve Design, Spline Curve Representation, Bezier Curves, B-Spline Curves.