Computer Graphics

Paper Code: 
MCA 223
Max. Marks: 

 The course will enable the students to

  1. Learn the basic principles of 3- dimensional computer graphics.
  2. Provide an understanding of how to scan convert the basic geometrical primitives, how to transform the shapes to fit them as per the picture definition.
  3. Provide an understanding of mapping from a world coordinates to device coordinates, clipping, and projections.
  4. Able to discuss the application of computer graphics concepts in the development of computer games, information visualization, and business applications.
  5. Comprehend and analyze the fundamentals of animation, virtual reality, underlying technologies and principles.

 Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):


Learning Outcome (at course level)

Students will be able to:

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

  1. List the basic concepts used in computer graphics.
  2. Implement various algorithms to scan, convert the basic geometrical primitives, transformations, Area filling, clipping.
  3. Describe the importance of viewing and projections.
  4. Define the fundamentals of animation, virtual reality and its related technologies.
  5. Understand a typical graphics pipeline
  6. Design an application with the principles of virtual reality.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures,

Modeling, Discussions, implementing practical based learning, Student centered approach


Learning activities for the students:

Experiential Learning, Self- learning such as use of NPTEL materials and internets, Presentations, Discussions, Quizzes and Assignments


  • Assignments
  • Classroom Activity
  • Presentations
  • Semester End Examination


Unit I: 

Introduction: Origin of computer graphics, Application of computer graphics– Random scan &Raster scan systems, Display devices- CRT, LCD, plasma panel. LED devices- input & output devices. Raster scan & Random Scan displays, Output Primitives: Point & Line, DDA, Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm, circle generating algorithms.

Unit II: 

Two Dimensional Transformation: Introduction to transformations, Matrix Representation, Types of Transformations in Two-Dimensional Graphics:Identity Transformation, Scaling, Reflection, Shear Transformations, Rotation, Translation, Rotation about an Arbitrary Point, Combined Transformation, Homogeneous Coordinates, 2D Transformations using Homogeneous Coordinates.

Unit III: 

Three-dimensional transformations: Objects in Homogeneous Coordinates, Three- Dimensional Transformations: Scaling, Translation, Rotation, Shear Transformations, Reflection, World Coordinates and Viewing Coordinates, Projection, Parallel Projection, Perspective Projection.

Unit IV: 

Viewing and Solid Area Scan-Conversion: Introduction to viewing and clipping, Viewing Transformation in Two Dimensions, Introduction to Clipping, Two- Dimensional Clipping, Point Clipping, Line Clipping, Introduction to a Polygon Clipping.

Introduction to Solid Area Scan: Conversion, Coherence Property, Polygon Filling, Seed Fill Algorithm, Scan Line Algorithm

Unit V: 

Introduction to curves : Curve Continuity, Conic Curves, Parametric Curve Design, Spline Curve Representation, Bezier Curves, B-Spline Curves.

  • D. Hearn & Baker, “Computer Graphics with OpenGL”, Pearson Education, Third Edition, 2009.
  • Foley, J.D. & Van Dam, “A: Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics”, 2000.
  • W.M. Newman, RF. Sproull, “Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill International Edition, 1979.
  • R. K. Maurya, “Computer Graphics with virtual reality systems”, Wiley-India, 1st edition, 2009.
  • Steven Harrington, “Computer Graphics: A Programming Approach”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1987.
Academic Year: