This course aims at enabling the students to know various concepts and principles of differential calculus and its applications.
Course Outcomes (COs).
Course outcome (at course level) | Learning and teaching strategies | Assessment Strategies |
On completion of this course, the students will: CO186. Understand and use the notion of derivative of the function of one variable. CO187. Demonstrate a working knowledge and use of mean value theorems in real life. CO188. Calculate higher order derivatives and able to apply Leibnitz theorem. CO189. Determine partial derivatives and extreme values of the functions of two or more variables. CO190. Determine the vector, its magnitude and direction to derive scalar and vector products. | Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Group Discussion, Tutorials, Case Study
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Machine Learning exercises, presentations | Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Practical Assignments, Presentation |
Functions of single variable
Definition of the limit of a function, Continuity, Types of discontinuities, Differentiability, Maxima and Minima
Mean Value Theorems
Rolle ’s Theorem, Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s Mean Value Theorems, Taylor’s theorem (Lagrange’s form and Cauchy’s forms of remainder), Maclaurin’s theorem and expansions, Indeterminate forms.
Successive and Partial Differentiation
Successive differentiation, nth derivatives of functions, Leibnitz theorem and its applications, Partial differentiation, First and higher order derivatives, Partial derivatives, Total derivative.
Functions of two variables
Differentiation of the homogeneous functions, Euler’s theorem, Taylor’s theorem for two variables, Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables, Lagrange’s multipliers for two variables
Vector Calculus
Vectors, Types of Vectors, Operations on Vectors, Addition of Vectors Properties of Operation of Addition, Subtraction, Properties of Operation of Subtraction Multiplication by a scalar, , Product of Two Vectors (Dot and Cross Product) & its properties.
Scalar and vector point function, Gradient, Directional derivatives, Divergence and curl of a vector point function.