This module is designed to acquaint students with the basic concepts of matrices and determinants, coordinate geometry, relations and graphs.
Counting and Recursion: Permutations and Combinations, Principle of Inclusion & Exclusion, Pigeonhole Principle, Mathematical induction, Recurrence relation.
Relation & Diagraphs : Product sets & Partitions, Relations & diagraphs, paths in relation & diagraphs, properties of relations, Equivalence relations, computer representation of relations & diagraphs, manipulation of relations.
Ordered Relations & Structures: Partially orderd sets, external elements of partially ordered sets, lattices, finite Boolean algebra, functions on Boolean Algebra, Boolean Functions as Boolean Polynomials.
Trees: Introduction, labeled trees, m-ary trees, undirected trees, properties of tree, Spanning tree, Minimal spanning tree (Prim’s algorithm).
Graphs Theory: Graphs, undirected graphs, weighted graph, paths & cycles, Euler graph & cycles, Hamiltonian graph & cycles, shortest path algorithm ( Djikstras algorithm).