Paper Code: 
BMA 114
Max. Marks: 

The main objective of the subject is to impart the knowledge about the basic elements of the Art, Drawing including line, volume, space, texture and colour.

Unit I: 

Introduction to basic shapes of drawing. Line drawing using shading techniques. Brief introduction to various types of pencils, brushes, erasers and papers.

Unit II: 

Introduction to assembled still life as well as drapery with proper lighting and shading. Shading with lead pencils and colour pencils. Drawing subjects from still nature- leaves, rocks, etc.

Unit III: 

Introduction to Perspective, it’s definition and meaning. Uses and types of perspectives. Vanishing Point, Horizon Line, Converging Lines. One- Point Perspective and Two Point Perspective.

Three Point Perspective, Bird’s eye view, Insect’s eye view, Forced perspective or Exaggerated Perspective.

Unit V: 

Introduction to Textures- Naturally existing and created. Sketching from memory. Quick sketching (student will have to carry a small sketch book with them always for this).

  1. Milind Mulick, “Perspective”, Jyotsna Prakashan, 2006.
  2. Len A. Doust, “Perspective Drawing for Beginners (Dover Art Instruction)”, Dover Publications Inc. (1 July 2006).
  1. Andrew Loomis, “Fun with a Pencil”. Titan Books (2 April 2013).
Academic Year: