Course Objective: This course will enable the students to
Understand film making and provide theoretical information and appreciation of cinematography in film making.
Course Outcomes (at course level) | Learning and teaching strategies | Assessment Strategies |
Students will: CO115. Integrate art, types of editing and digital videos. CO116. Mind map aesthetic senses and evaluate elements of editing. CO117. Experiment and articulate editing skills using different software’s. CO118. Build variety of transition techniques. CO119. Compose pre-production editing elements. | Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussions, reading assignments, Demonstrations, Group activities, Teaching using advanced audio video tools.
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminars, presentations, Giving tasks. | Assessment Strategies Class tests, Semester end examinations, Quizzes, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentations, Individual and group projects. |
Introduction editing, The Art of Cinema, The Fundamentals of Editing, Types of Editing, linear & non liner editing, Digital video.
Six element of editing, Pace and Timing, Constructing Continuity, continuity editing, seamless editing, Montage sequences, Five types of edit.
Cut, Mix, fade, Element of cut, Element of Mix, Editing for the Genre – Action, Music video, Suspense, Horror etc.
Transition techniques, types of transitions- CUT, FADE, WIPE, IRIS, Cheat-cut, Crosscutting or Parallel Editing, Cut-in/Cut-Away, Jump-Cut, Shot/Reverse Shot, Superimposition.
Broadcasting techniques, Introduction to sound editing, recording sound, channels, sound effects, Sound editing, Diegetic & Non diegetic, Direct & non simultaneous sound, off screen- on screen sound.