This course introduces the basic concepts of fuzzy set theory and analyze several application case studies, with a special emphasis on the design, tuning, and deployment of Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLC) and other fuzzy systems.
Introduction, Humans and Computers, Organization of the Brain. General Description: Fuzzy Set and Fuzzy Logic: motivation, possibilistic interpretation, basic concepts.
Introduction to classical sets - properties, Operations and relations; Fuzzy sets, Membership, Uncertainty, Operations, properties, fuzzy relations and inferences, cardinalities, membership functions.
Fuzzification, Membership value assignment, development of rule base and decision making system, Defuzzification to crisp sets, Defuzzification methods.
Membership function-knowledgebase, decision making logic- optimization of membership function using neural network- Adaptive Fuzzy system, Introduction to genetic algorithm.
Fuzzy Logic Applications: approximate reasoning, fuzzy arithmetic, linguistic models, decision theory, classification, and fuzzy controllers (development, tuning, compilation, deployment). Fuzzy logic control and Fuzzy classification
Computational Intelligence (CI): hybrid systems based on fuzzy.