To understand working with Graphical User Interface and develop stand-alone application using GUI programming tools.
Features of C# programming languages, Identifiers ,literals , Scope and life time issues , first c# program , compiling and executing program ,data types and operators , arrays , boxing and unboxing , comments.
Control statements: if-else, switch statements, for, foreach , do-while and while statement.
Classes and Interface: Constructors (default and static),methods , Abstract classes, sealed classes, interfaces, Inheritances , Exception handling
Overview of ASP.Net frame work , introduction of CTS .CLR ,class library ,types of controls in Asp.using standard control , accepting input from user , code behind , button ,image , label, text box , text area,redio button, check boxes etc, ispostback property ,handling page events.
Validation controls , rich controls , data controls , list controls , using all these controls with web pages.
Introduction of ADO.NET , architecture of ADO.NET.
Methods of connection (OLEDB, SQL), Data Adaptor, DataProvider, DataSet, Datatable, DataGrid, DataBinding, Database Operations.