To accustom the students with practical usage of computers in day to day applications .
Introduction to Operating System, Windows, features (Desktop & its components, the window, the application window(various bars), the document window, the dialog window, the icons, Getting Help), Windows explorer; Control panel, Setting wallpaper, screen saver, background. Creating a, folder Compressing/ Zipping files (WinZip), Virus & Antivirus,
Introduction to Operating System, Important terms in DOS (program, file, directory, names, volume label, disk drive & its name (DOS prompt). Comparison of CLI & GUI.
DOS file system, path & path names, Internal Commands (DIR, CD, MD, RD, COPY, COPY CON, DEL, REN, DATE, TIME, CLS, TYPE)
External Commands (TREE, EDIT)
Introduction to word processing, Features of Word processors, Working with formatted documents, Shortcut keys. Finding & replacing text, Go To (5) command.
Formatting documents, Selecting text, Formatting characters, Changing cases, Paragraph formatting, Indents, Using format painter, Page formatting, Header & footer, Bullets & numbering, Tabs,
Introduction, spreadsheet, workbooks, saving a file, opening an existing worksheet, Rows and columns, cell entries (numbers, labels, formulas), spell check, find and replace, Adding and deleting rows and columns , Filling series, fill with drag, data sort, Formatting worksheet, Introduction to charts, types of charts, Renaming sheet, Printing worksheet.
Introduction, Use of presentation software, Presentation tips, components of slide, templates and wizards, using template, choosing an auto layout, using outlines, adding subheadings, editing text, formatting text, Creating presentation using blank presentation, Adding slides, changing color scheme, changing background and shading, adding header and footer, adding clip arts, Various presentation views, Working in slide sorter view, adding transition and animations to slide show, Printing slides.
Wordprocessors: Creating tables, Proofing text (Spell check, Auto correct), Inserting pictures, Mail merging, Printing.
Spreadsheets: Functions (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, IF), Data Filtering.
Presentation Software: Creating and using master-slide.