This module is designed to help students in learning about Internet and design principles of various web pages through HTML5 and CSS3.
concepts, Internet, Uniform Resource Locator, Internet Communication Protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP, FTP, Telnet), IP Address, Domain Name, Internet Services Providers, Intranet, World Wide Web: W3C, Web Page, client & server, Web browser, Applications of Internet
Designing for Multiple Screen Resolution, Crafting the look and feel of the Site, creating a Unified Site Design, Designing for the User, Designing for Accessibility, Understanding the Web Site Development process, creating a site specification, analyzing your audience, creating a directory structure, creating a website development team, publishing your website. Types of Websites (static and dynamic)
HTML Versions, HTML web page structure, Heading, paragraphs, HTML Formatting, Quotations, comments, colors, images, tables, lists, block and inline elements, Iframes, HTML Links, HTML Forms, The HTML5 DOCTYPE, migrating from HTML 4 to HTML5, Vision and Philosophy behind HTML5. What’s new in HTML5, browser support, coding conventions in HTML5.
Understanding Style Sheets, CSS Syntax and Applying Style Sheets to HTML document, Developing Style Sheets: inline, internal and external. <DIV> tag, Using class and ID, Styling Backgrounds, Box Model, Styling borders, Styling Text, Styling Fonts, Styling Links, Styling Lists, Styling Tables, Margin, CSS Dimensions, Classification.
Types of Internet Connections (Dial-up, Broadband, Leased line, ADSL, ISDN), Security Issues on the Internet, Email Concepts: Creating email account, receiving, sending, addressing, downloading, formatting, sending attachment, Concept of chatting. E-mail mailing list.