Paper Code: 
DAC 234
Max. Marks: 

Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies


Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Familiarize with the trends and technologies in data analysis under the guidance of experienced professionals.
  2. This will help student in understanding the existing working environment and acquire an in-depth technical knowledge of the domain.
  3. Practical knowledge upon competencies in multiple areas of programming, statistics, data analytics, machine learning, data visualization.
  4. It will help to increase marketability in the fast-paced Data Science industry

Approach in teaching:

Demonstrations, Professional approach on working on live projects,Group activities


Learning activities for the students:

Effective assignments, giving tasks, assign mini projects in house.



Individual and group projects

project viva and presentations, live presentations.


At the end, students will undergo training of 150 hrs on data analysis project either in-house or external. This will help them in understanding the existing working environment and acquire an in-depth technical knowledge of the domain. The students shall prepare a report on the work done. The student will be required to get the certificate from the concerned organization signed by the project guide, which has to be put in the report.


Academic Year: