This module is designed to introduce the students with the most powerful operating system and with it’s utilities i.e. Commands, Shell Programming, Administrative Concepts.
Overview of Linux: What is Linux, Linux Vs Unix, common Linux Features, advantages of Linux , LINUX and GNU, LINUX Architectures, Hardware requirements for Linux, LINUX distributions, Linux booting process, Two user interfaces (GUI & CUI), Linux graphical environments, Desktop environments , Internal and external commands.
Linux File system: Logging in, getting familiar with Linux desktop, shell interface, understanding Linux shell, using shell, simple shell commands-date, cal, who, tty, uname, passwd, bc, script, echo, logging out, wild card characters *, ?
LINUX File System: boot block, super block, inode table, file types, absolute and relative path, listing files and directories commands, Navigating file system- pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir,ls, pr
Handling ordinary files-cat, cp, mv, wc, rm, comm., cmp, diff, Basic file attributes- file permissions, changing permissions, types of Text editors, using vi editor, prompt character, correcting typing errors.
Processes and filters: Simple filters- head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr, Regular expression-Grep utility, Shell command line, redirection, pipeline, split output, tee, Process- system processes, internal and external commands, background process, premature termination of process, process priorities, process scheduling-(at, batch), nohup command
Shell programming: Interactive scripts, shell variables, environment variables, assigning values to variables, positional parameters, command line arguments, arithmetic in shell script, exit status of a command, sleep and wait, script termination, Decision taking-if else, nested if, file tests, string tests, case control structure
Loop control structure-while, for, IFS, break, continue, $* and $@, logical operators && and || executing script, Debugging a script, executing multiple scripts
Communication and System Administration: Communication tools under Linux- write, msg, finger, talk, elm, pine, mailx
Connecting to remote machines-ftp, telnet, Adding and removing users, starting up and shutting down system, locating files- find, backups, copying tapes-dd, copy input output- cpio, tar, disk management-formatting, mounting, unmounting, using raw disk, monitoring system usage, ensuring system security.