Java Lab

Paper Code: 
MCA 326
Max. Marks: 

           The course will enable the students to

  1. Define how Java improves C++ with more object-oriented features.
  2. Understand the syntax and semantics of the Java programming language.
  3. Implement the concept of data abstraction and encapsulation and various concepts of object oriented programming.
  4. Evaluate the understanding of the concepts by applying them to problems in different domains.
  5. Analyze Java language components and how they work together in applications.
  6. Creating stand-alone Java applications.

 Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)


Learning Outcome (at course level)

Students will be able to:

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

  1. Define the concepts of object oriented programming language.
  2. Understand the basic features of object oriented programming and apply them through Java language.
  3. Implement the practical knowledge of various features of object oriented programming.
  4. Compare and contrast the object oriented & non object oriented approaches to obtain solutions.
  5. Evaluate the pros and cons of using oops and apply it to problems in different domains.
  6. Develop computer application based project using oops.

Approach in teaching:  Interactive Lectures, Tutorials, Demonstration,

Practical Quiz, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, giving tasks, Field practical, Error Solving Quiz


  • Practical Exam
  • Practical Record
  • Viva Voce
  • Semester End Practical Exam











       1. Inheritance and polymorphism, Abstract classes, Interfaces, Packages.

2. Exception Handling, Multithreading,Threads.

3. Servlet Programs:

    Developing and deploying servlets using NetBeans or Eclipse

    Interservlet Communication

4. JDBC Programs

   Connecting to database.

          Creating and executing SQL statements

        5. JSP Programs

     Session Management

     Using JDBC with JSP

            Accessing DataBase

          6. Dependency Injection with Spring Beans , Bean Factory Interface

          7. Simple Application Using JSP and JDBC

Academic Year: