Features of UNIX/LINUX operating system, Structure: Kernel and Shell, Basic commands, Accessing help options, Filenames and using wild cards, Types of files, File systems: four block of file systems, directory hierarchy, Operations and utilities for directory and files.
Managing user accounts-adding & deleting users, changing permissions and ownerships, Creating and managing groups, modifying group attributes, Temporary disable user’s accounts, Ownership of files, Security levels and shell customization: Environment variables, File permissions: File attribute, permissions and changing file permissions, User masks.
UNIX shell and its types, Features of shell: standard streams, I/O redirection, pipes, Vi editor: Introduction to text processing, command& edit mode invoking vi, deleting & inserting line, deleting &replacing character, searching for strings, yanking, Command execution: sequenced, grouped, chained and conditional command, exit status of command, Filters: Introduction, using pipe with filters, Concatenating files, Display beginning and end of files, Splitting files, cut, paste, sorting and translating characters, Files with duplicate lines, counting character, words and lines and comparing files, Simple filter commands – pr, head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr, Regular expressions: atoms and operators, grep: working of grep, sed.
Basic of shell programming, meta characters, shell variable: predefined variables and user defined variable, storing value in variable and accessing it, unsetting variables, storing filenames, content and command in variable, Input: reading word by word, line by line and from file, Expression, Decisions and repetition, Special parameters and variables, shell programming in bash, read command, conditional and looping statements, case statements, changing positional parameters and argument validation, string manipulation.