This module is designed to acquaint the students with the practical exercises based on Linux Commands, She+ll Programming and Administrative Concepts.
Exercises based on Linux commands and shell programming has to be done. Following categories of command are covered:
- Linux GUI, Logging in, desktop environment, all internal and external commands.
- Simple shell commands for basic operations (date, cal, who, tty, uname, passwd, bc, script, echo, logging out).
- Using wild card characters
- Linux File System: inode table, file types, concept of path: absolute and relative path.
- File, directory creation and operations (open, close), listing files and directories commands.
- Navigating file system- pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir,ls, pr.
- Handling ordinary files-cat, cp, mv, wc, rm, comm., cmp, diff.
- Basic file attributes- file permissions, changing permissions.
- Simple filters- head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr.
- Regular expression-Grep utility, Shell command line, redirection, pipeline, split output, tee.
- Process- system processes, internal and external commands, background process, premature termination of process, process priorities, process scheduling-(at, batch), no hup command.
- Types of Text editors, using vi editor, prompt character, correcting typing errors.
- Basic shell programming (Interactive scripts, shell variables, environment variables, assigning values to variables).
- Positional parameters, command line arguments.
- Arithmetic in shell script, sleep, wait, exit, script termination.
- Decision taking-if else, nested if, file tests, string tests, case control structure.
- Loop control structure-while, for, IFS, break, continue, $* and $@.
- Logical operators && and ||.
- Executing script, Debugging a script, executing multiple scripts.
- Programs based on advanced shell programming.