Paper Code: 
CBCA 602
Max. Marks: 

This module is designed to introduce the students with the most powerful open source operating system and it’s utilities i.e. Commands, Shell Programming and Administrative Concepts.

Unit I: 

Overview of Linux: What is Linux, Linux Vs Unix, common Linux Features, advantages of Linux , LINUX and GNU, LINUX Architectures, user interfaces (GUI & CUI), Linux graphical environments, Desktop environments , Internal and external commands.Lab E xercises based on basic Linux internal & External Commands

Unit II: 

Logging in, getting familiar with Linux desktop, shell interface, understanding Linux shell, using shell, simple shell commands-date, cal, who, tty, uname, passwd, bc, script, echo, logging out, wild card characters *, ?. LINUX File System: boot block, super block, inode table, file types, absolute and relative path, listing files and directories commands, Navigating file system- pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir,ls, pr. Handling ordinary files-cat, cp, mv, wc, rm, comm., cmp, diff, Basic file attributes- file permissions, changing permissions. Lab exercises based on the above commands.

Unit III: 

Types of Text editors, using vi editor, prompt character, correcting typing errors. Simple filters- head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr, Regular expression-Grep utility, Shell command line, redirection, pipeline, split output, tee, Process- system processes, internal and external commands, background process, premature termination of process, process priorities, process scheduling-(at, batch), no hup command. Lab exercises based on the above commands.


Unit IV: 

Shell programming I: Interactive scripts, shell variables, environment variables, assigning values to variables, positional parameters, command line arguments, arithmetic in shell script, exit status of a command, sleep and wait, script termination, Decision taking-if else, nested if, file tests, string tests, case control structure, Loop control structure-while, for, IFS, break, continue, $* and $@, logical operators && and || executing script, Debugging a script, executing multiple scripts. Lab exercises based on the basic shell programs using conditional and looping constructs.

Unit V: 

Shell programming II. Lab exercises based on the advanced shell programming.

1. Neil Mathew, Richard Stones, “Beginning Linux Programming”, Wrox Press.
2. Yashwant Kanetkar, “Unix shell programming”, BPB Publications.
3. Mark G. Sobell, A Practical Guide to Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, Third Edition 
1. Website: 
2. Christopher Negus, ”Fedora 6 and red hat enterprise Linux Bible” Wiley-India.
3. B. W. Kernighan & R. Pike, “The UNIX Programming Environment”, PHI.
4. Cox K., “Red Hat Linux Administrator’s Guide”, PHI, 2001.
5. M. Beck, “LINUX Kernel Internals”, Addison Wesley, 1997.
Academic Year: