Paper Code: 
MCA 128
Max. Marks: 

This course enables the students to

  1. List the principles of Web page designing concept.
  2. Explain the basics in web design covering HTML & CSS.
  3. Implement a web application using web programming to enhance front end user experience.
  4. Evaluate and validate web applications for conformance to the latest W3C markup standards
  5. Debug interactive client‐side and server‐side web applications.
  6. Formulate the appropriate programming environment for developing dynamic client‐side and server‐ side web applications.


Course Outcomes(COs):


Learning Outcome (at course level)


Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies


CO60.        State a scripting problem & formulate its code.

CO61.        Learn the designing concept of PHP, AJAX.

CO62.        Select and use appropriate technology tools to efficiently and effectively complete a task or project.

CO63.        Test and implement software for a client-server environment.

CO64.        Develop a general website and blog website using WordPress.

CO65.        Create a functioning web application


Approach in Teaching:

Project Designing using Modular Approach, Form Design, Database Design, Presentation, Project Report, student centered approach



Learning activities for the students:

Self-Learning Assignments, Experimental learning, Converting specifications to Code, Innovative Solutions

·     Class Activity

·     Assignments

·     Semester End Examination



Project Evaluation:

Continuous Assessment Evaluation for Mini Project:

·             Regularity

·             Software Design Specification

·             Midterm Assessment Presentation (to be filled in by the Project Guide)

Semester End Evaluation for the Mini Project:

·             Project Demo                       

·             Project Presentation 

·             Project Report         

·             Viva-voce                

·             Adherence to Specifications 

·             System Knowledge and Understanding

·             Innovation and Originality 

General instructions for preparation of project report

1.  Introduction

1.1 Cover Page

1.2 Title Page

1.3 Certificate

1.4 Acknowledgement

1.5 Table of Contents

2. Project Specifications

2.1 Project Overview

            2.2 Project Need

3. Specific Requirements

3.1 External Interface Requirements

            3.2 Hardware Interfaces

            3.3 Software Interfaces

            3.4 Communications Protocols

            3.5 Security / Maintainability / Performance

4. Software Product Features

4.1 System Architecture

4.2 Database Requirements

            4.3 ER Diagram

            4.4 Data Flow Diagram

            4.5 User Interfaces

            4.6 Report Formats

5. Drawbacks and Limitations

6. Proposed Enhancements

7. Conclusion

8. Bibliography

9. Annexure:

            9.1 User Interface Screens (Optional)

            9.2 Output Reports with Data (if any)

            9.3 Program Code



Academic Year: