This module is designed to acquaint the students with the concept of Java programming language.
Java Programming: Introduction to object oriented programming, Difference between C, C++ and Java, Java features, JVM, simple java program, command line argument, Data types, type casting, operators (Arithmetic, increment, decrement, relational, logical, bit wise, conditional) and expressions, Mathematical functions.
Decision making and branching (if…else, else if, switch), looping, classes, objects and methods, constructors, wrapper classes, nesting of methods, overriding methods, final class, visibility control, Arrays, strings.
Types of Inheritance in Java, Inheriting Data Members and Methods, Role of Constructors in inheritance, Overriding Super Class Methods, Use of super, Polymorphism in inheritance, Organizing Classes and Interfaces in Packages, Package as Access Protection, Defining Package, CLASSPATH Setting for Packages, Making JAR Files for Library Packages, Naming Convention For Packages.
Multithreaded programming, extending thread, life cycle of thread, using thread methods, thread priority, synchronization.
Exceptions & Errors, Types of Exception, Control Flow In Exceptions, Use of try, catch, finally, throw, throws in Exception Handling, In-built and User Defined Exceptions, Checked and Un-Checked Exceptions, creating exception sub classes.
. H.Schildt, “The complete Java 2 reference”, Tata McGraw-Hill Fourth Edition
2. E. Balagurusamy, ”Programming with Java”, BPB Publications
. Deitel & Deitel “How to Program C Introducing C++ and Java”(Third Edition) Pearson Edition
2. Arnold,Gosling, “ The Java Programming Professional 2000”, Addison Wesley Publication
3. C.Thomas wu, ”An introduction to oop with Java”, TMH
4. Zukowski, “ Mastering java 2 ”, BPB Publications