This course is designed to understand real world object oriented approach with help of object oriented language i.e. Java.
Introduction to object oriented programming & java: Introduction to OOP concept, features of object oriented programming, Difference between C, C++ and Java, Java features, JVM,simple java program,
Java tokens, constants, variables, Data types, type casting, operators (Arithmetic, increment, decrement, relational, logical, bit wise, conditional) and expressions.
Control statements: Decision making and branching (if…else, else if, switch), looping,
Introducing classes, class fundamentals, objects and methods, constructors, overloading, use of static, Arrays, vectors, Command line arguments.
Inheritance: Inheritance basics, member access and inheritance, using super, overriding methods, using final, interfaces, applying interfaces ,variable in interfaces, user defined packages, JAVA API packages
Exception-Error types, try, catch, finally, creating user defined exceptions.
Multithreaded programming: Creating thread, life cycle of thread, using thread methods, thread priority, synchronization.
Java applet programming, Applet life cycle, applet tag, running the applet, passing parameters to applets, getting input from the user into applet.