This course is focused on the study of basic concepts of Operating systems followed by study of Linux, its user interface & system administration concepts.
Introduction to Operating Systems: Introduction, history, functions and types of operating system.Processes: Concept, Definition, Process Control, Interacting Processes.Scheduling: Scheduling Policies, Job and Process Scheduling.
Introduction to Operating Systems: Introduction, history, functions and types of operating system.Processes: Concept, Definition, Process Control, Interacting Processes.Scheduling: Scheduling Policies, Job and Process Scheduling.
Open Source Technology: Introduction, Overview of UNIX and LINUX Architectures, Hardware requirements for Linux. Various Linux Distributions, Contributions of Open Source Foundation.
Linux Internals: Introduction, process management, systems calls. Linux File system: Logging in, getting familiar with Linux desktop, shell interface, understanding Linux shell, using shell, types of Text editors, using vi editor, prompt character, correcting typing errors, simple shell commands-date, cal, who, tty, uname, passwd, bc, script, echo, logging out, Environment variables, wild card characters.
LINUX File System: boot block, super block, inode table, file types, absolute and relative path, listing files and directories commands, Navigating file system- pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir,ls, pr. Handling ordinary files-cat, cp, mv, wc, rm, comm., amp, diff, Basic file attributes- file permissions, changing permissions.
Filters- head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr, Regular expression-Grep utility, Shell command line, redirection, pipeline, split output, tee.
Process- process scheduling-(at, batch), nohup command. Communication and System Administration: Communication tools under Linux- write, msg, finger, talk, elm, pine, mailx. Connecting to remote machines-ftp, telnet, Adding and removing users, starting up and shutting down system, locating files- find, backups, copying tapes-dd, copy input output- cpio, tar, disk management-formatting, mounting, unmounting, using raw disk, monitoring system usage, ensuring system security.
1. D M Dhamdhere, “System Programming and Operating Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill, Second Edition.
2. A. Silbersachatz and P.Galvin, “Operating System Concepts”, Addison-Wesley, 5th Ed., 2001
3. Mark G. Sobell, “A Practical Guide To Linux Commands, Editors and Shell Programming” Pearson Education.
4. Sandip Bhattacharya, Mark Mamone, Kapil Sharma, Deepak Thomas , Simon Whiting, Shishir Gundavaram, “Beginning Red Hat Linux 9”, Wrox Press.
5. Sumitabha Das, “UNIX Concepts and Applications”, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Website: