Paper Code: 
ALAD 500
Max. Marks: 

The objective of the paper is to expose students to Skill Management Skills, and working on time management by helping them identify time sinkers and time wasters. To enable students to identify their stress behavior and manage conflicts, learning the way conversations are done to reduce stress and conflict.


Unit I: 

Stress Management: Knowing the reasons, living a relaxed life, Being Emotionally Wise, Inner self integration technique, Meditation, types and importance.

Internal and external motivation

The 5 second rule, courage changes your mind and behaviour.

Unit II: 

Is time out of control; A war on stress

Managing time effectively, 80/20 Rule, Pomodoro Technique, time management tips for managers.

Procrastination; turning downtime into productive time

The To-Do and Not to do list, Smart goals and career planning, getting organized, important vs. urgent, ways to avoid traps and time sinkers, creating a time management plan.

Goal Setting and career planning: - Calibrate your compass, put a pin in it, bridge the gap, make yourself discoverable, flip failure.

Unit III: 

Personal Branding: Converting hobby into passion

Introduction to personal branding, the art of authenticity, Choosing the best social media network, why scheduling is important, Brand maintenance, online identity, creating relationship with the professional network to create a professional personal brand.

Social networking sites: Blogging your passion

Self-discipline and trust building activities, what is blogging and blogging platforms, which platform to choose, setting up a blog, types of blog and blog writing, finding the right subject matter, following skill not passion, do’s and don’ts of blogging.

Unit IV: 

Conflict Management Skills

Discovering Positive means to dissolve conflicts at workplace, Fundamental facts behind stress and worrisome situations to overcome them, Conflict, types of business conflict, Conflict resolution tactics

Unit V: 

Seminar and Industry Expert session

Question answer and experience sharing session

  1. Brian Tracy (2001), Eat That Frog! 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time.
  2. Carmine Gallo (2009), The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience.
  3. Carmine Gallo (2014), Talk Like TED
  4. Dale Carnegie, how to stop worrying and start living.
  5. Mel Robbins (2017), the 5 Second Rule Transform Your Life Work and Confidence with Everyday Courage.
  6. Richard Walsh (2008), Time Management: Proven Techniques for Making Every Minute Count.
  7. Vivian Scott (2009), Conflict Resolution at Work for Dummies.


Academic Year: