Paper Code: 
BCA 105
Max. Marks: 
1 000.00

This module is designed to acquaint the students with the basics of ‘C’ programming language.


Unit I: 

Introduction to computers: Machine Languages, Assembly Languages and High level Languages, The history of C, The C standard library, Structured Programming, the basics of a typical C program Development Environment.

Introduction to ‘C’ programming: Introduction, A Simple C program, Memory Concepts, Arithmetic in C.

Structured Program Development in C: Introduction, Algorithm, Flowchart, Pseudo code, Control structures, if selection structure, if/else selection structure

Unit II: 

Introduction to computers: Machine Languages, Assembly Languages and High level Languages, The history of C, The C standard library, Structured Programming, the basics of a typical C program Development Environment.

Introduction to ‘C’ programming: Introduction, A Simple C program, Memory Concepts, Arithmetic in C.

Structured Program Development in C: Introduction, Algorithm, Flowchart, Pseudo code, Control structures, if selection structure, if/else selection structure

Unit III: 

Structured Program Development in C: The while repetition structure, Counter Controlled Repetition, Sentinel Controlled Repetition, Nested control structures, Assignment operators, Increment and Decrement operators.

C Program control: Introduction, Essentials of repetition, The for repetition structure, for structure, The switch Multiple selection structure, The do/while repetition structure, the break and continue statements, Logical operators, Equality and Assignment operators.


Unit IV: 

C Pointers: Introduction, Pointer variable declaration and initialization, Pointer operators, Calling functions by reference, Const qualifier, Pointer Expressions and pointer arithmetic, Relationship between pointers and Arrays, Arrays of Pointers.

C characters and Strings: Introduction, Fundamentals of Strings and characters, Character and String Handling Library, String conversions and comparison functions

Unit V: 

C Formatted Input/Output: Streams, formatting output with printf, Printing: Integers, Floating point numbers, Strings, Characters. Field Widths and Precisions, Flags in print format control string, Escape sequences, formatted input with scanf.

C structures, Unions, Bit Manipulations and Enumerations: Introduction, Structure Definition, Initializing structures, Accessing Members of structures, typedef, Union, Bitwise operators, Bit Fields, Enumerated Constants.

  1. H.M.Deitel & P.J.Deitel, “How to program in ‘C’”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2001.
  2. Yashwant Kanetkar, “Working with C”, BPB Publications.
  1. B.Kernighan & D.Ritchie “C Programming Language”, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1988.
  2. E. Balagurusami, “Programming in ‘ANSI C’”, TMH Publications.
  3. S. Lipschutz, “C Programming”, Schaum’s outline series, Tata McGraw Hill Edition


Academic Year: