This module is designed to acquaint the students with the basics of ‘C’ programming language.
Introduction to computers: Personal computing, Distributed Computing and Client/ Server Computing, Machine Languages, Assembly Languages and High level Languages, The history of C, The C standard library, Structured Programming, the basics of a typical C program Development Environment.
Introduction to ‘C’ programming: Introduction, A Simple C program, Memory Concepts, Arithmetic in C, Decision making.
Structured Program Development in C: Introduction, Algorithm, Pseudocode, Control structures, relational operator, the if selection structure, The if/else selection structure, goto statement.
Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic, Logical, Assignment, Increment and Decrement, Evaluation, Precedence and Associativity of expressions.
Structured Program Development in C: The while repetition structure, Counter Controlled Repetition, Sentinel Controlled Repetition, Nested control structures.
C Program control: Introduction, Essentials of repetition, Counter controlled repetition, for repetition structure, for structure: notes and observations.
C Program control: The switch multiple selection structure, the do/while repetition structure, the break and continue statements.
C Functions (Non-Recursive): Introduction, Program Modules in C, Math Library Functions, Functions, Functions Definitions, Function Prototypes, Header Files, Calling Functions: Call by Value and Call by reference, Storage Classes, Scope rules.
C Arrays: Declaring Arrays, Passing Arrays to Functions, Sorting arrays (Bubble Sort), Searching (Linear, Binary Search), Multiple-Subscripted Arrays.
Structures and Union: Definition, declaration, initialization, array of structure, arrays within structures, structures within structures.
C Pointers: Introduction, Pointer variable declaration and initialization, Pointer operators.
C characters and Strings: Introduction, Fundamentals of Strings and characters, Character and String Handling Library, String conversions and comparison functions.
C Formatted Input/Output: Streams, formatting output with printf, Printing: Integers, Floating point numbers, Strings, Characters. Field Widths and Precisions, Flags in print format control string, Escape sequences, formatted input with scanf.