This course will enable students to:
Course | Learning outcome (at course level) | Learning and teaching strategies | Assessment Strategies | |
Course Code | Course title | |||
24WDT231 |
Scripting Languages-I (Theory) | CO1. Demonstrate knowledge of programming concepts by creating flowcharts CO2. Create effective scripts using Javascript and Document Object Model that create dynamicity in HTML webpages. CO3. Create dynamic webpages using Browser Object Model. CO4. Apply the principles of regular expression in form validation CO5. Apply JQuery to enhance interactivity and streamline the development of web applications. CO6. Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction. | Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, reading assignments, Demonstrations, Group activities, Teaching using advanced IT audio-video tools Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks. | Assessment Strategies Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation
Flowchart based on simple computations, iterations. Execution Trace.Introduction to client-server technologies, comparison between client-side and server-side scripting, JavaScript: Introduction, Advantages of using JavaScript, Writing JavaScript in HTML, Basic Programming Techniques: Data Types and Literals, Creating variables
JavaScript Operators (Arithmetic, Logical, Comparison, String and Assignment operator and special operators: delete, new and void) and Expressions in JavaScript. Creating one and two-dimensional arrays.
JavaScript Programming Constructs: Conditional checking (if-then-else statement), Loops (for loop and While loop)
Functions Basics: parameter-passing basics return statements, global and local variables.
Dialog Boxes (Alert, Prompt and Confirm Dialog Box), Built-in objects - Array, Date, Math and String, Document Object Model, Events, Properties and Methods, Event handling.
Opening and closing windows, window features, controlling windows- moving, resizing and scrolling, setting window location, accessing Window’s History, Controlling window’s status bar, Setting Window Timeouts and Intervals. Document object, Forms used by a Website, Form Object’s Methods, Form Actions and Form Validation.
The concepts of Regular expressions, Creating patterns, RegExp object- its properties and methods, String methods for Regular Expressions.
Adding the jQuery Library to web Pages, Syntax, Selectors, jquery events: on (), blur (), change (), dblclick(), die(), error(), hover(), ready(), resize(), scroll(), select(), submit(), toggle(), trigger(), triggerhandler(), off(), unload(), jquery Effects, jquery Callback function, jquery HTML manipulation, jquery CSS methods.
Essential Readings:
Suggested Readings: