Paper Code: 
CSC 115
Max. Marks: 

To make students familiar with general purpose office management tools. This course also covers the basic concepts of HTML.


Introduction to CLI: Concept of Operating System, Important terms in DOS (program, file, directory, names, volume label, disk drive & its name (DOS prompt)

DOS file system: path & path names, Internal Commands(DIR, CD, MD, RD, COPY, DEL, REN, DATE, TIME, CLS, TYPE, PROMPT) and External Commands(BACKUP, RESTORE, FORMAT, FIND, SORT, XCOPY, TREE, DELTREE, DOSKEY).

Introduction to Word Processor: Features of Word processors, working with formatted text. Character formatting, Paragraph Formatting, Page formatting. Using format painter, Page formatting, Header & footer, Bullets & numbering, Tabs, Forming tables. Finding & replacing text, Go to command, Proofing text (Spell check, Auto correct), Reversing actions, Macros, Inserting pictures, Hyperlinks, Mail merging


Introduction to Spreadsheets, workbooks, creating, saving & editing a workbook, Renaming sheet, cell entries (numbers, labels, and formulas), spell check, find and replace; Adding and deleting rows and columns

Filling series, fill with drag, data sort, Formatting worksheet, Functions and its parts, Some useful Functions in excel (SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, IF);

Cell referencing (Relative, Absolute, Mixed), What-if analysis

Introduction to charts: types of charts, creation of chart from adjacent data/ nonadjacent data, printing a chart, printing worksheet.


Introduction to Presentation Software : Uses, Presentation tips, components of slide, templates and wizards, using template, choosing an auto layout, using outlines, adding subheadings, editing text, formatting text, using master slide; adding slides, changing colour scheme, changing background and shading, adding header and footer, adding clip arts and auto shapes.

Various presentation, Working in slide sorter view (deleting, duplicating, rearranging slides), adding transition and animations to slide show, inserting music or sound on a slide, Inserting action buttons or hyperlinks for a presentation, set and rehearse slide timings, viewing slide show, Printing slides.


Introduction to Database management system; An Overview of Access, Access Tables, Data Types, Access Query & Filters, Access Forms & Reports, Creating Relationships, OLE (importing & exporting data).


HTML:  Introduction to HTML: Commonly used HTML tags, Titles and Footers, Text Formatting (Paragraph and Line Breaks), Text Styles (Bold, Italics and Underline), Heading Styles and Other Text Effects (Centering and Spacing), Lists (Ordered, Unordered, Definition), Adding Graphics to HTML document (Img, Border attribute, Align and ALT attribute).Links: External Document reference, Internal Document Reference and Images as Hyperlinks.

  1. Courter, “Mastering Office 2000”, BPB Publications.(professional edition)
  1. Robbins, “Mastering DOS”, BPB Publications.
  2. Content Development Group, “Working with MS Office 2000”, TMH.
  3. Mansfield & Olsen, “Mastering Word 2000”, BPB Publications.
  4. Martin, Hansen, Klingher & Beth, “Mastering Excel 2000”, BPB Publications.
  5. Murray, “Mastering Power Point 2000”, BPB Publications.
  6. Simpson Alan, Robinson, & Celeste, “Mastering Access 2000”, BPB Publications.
Academic Year: