Paper Code: 
Max. Marks: 

This course enables the students to

  1. Gain in-depth knowledge of the upcoming trends and techniques and research in the field of Computer Science and to carry out a substantial research-based project
  2. Define and utilize various sources to gather data for a research paper.
  3. Organize ideas; write annotated bibliographies, and thesis statements.
  4. Report research findings in written and verbal forms
  5. Understand how to develop outlines for research papers. 
  6. Complete a rough draft of a research paper by correcting punctuation, mechanics, and spelling. 
  7. Compile a final form of the research paper with a works cited page.
  8. Write a research paper and present it in a National / international conference.
Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code



24MCA 329

Term Paper Presentation



CO1.                           Develop understanding on various kinds of research, objectives of doing research, research process, research designs and sampling.

CO2.                           Build adequate knowledge on measurement & scaling techniques as well as the quantitative data analysis.

CO3.                           Demonstrate basic awareness of data analysis and hypothesis of testing procedures. Implement the testing procedures on different problem domains and evaluate its performance

CO4.                           Compare the proposed technique with the existing techniques and analyze the results.

CO5.        Report and present the findings of the study conducted in the preferred domain.

CO6.        Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures,

Modeling, Discussions, implementing enquiry based learning.


Learning activities for the students:

Experiential Learning, Presentations, Case based learning, Discussions, Quizzes and Assignments


CA Evaluation:

·   Presentation

·   Subject matter Report          

·   Regularity

·   Interaction


SEE Evaluation:

·  Assessment: 

·   Research Paper

·   Presentation

·    Viva Voce a 




1.1 Cover Page

1.2 Title Page

1.3 Acknowledgement

1.4 Table of Contents

Main Sections of a Research Paper

Title page:

It includes the title of your essay, as well as your name and institutional affiliation. (You can use our title page generator for it)


This is a broad overview of a paper. It takes from 200 to 300 words, so short assignments don’t require abstracts.


State the thesis statement and explains why the issue is important.


Literature Review:

Describe the previous researches related to your topic.


Materials and Methods:

This part explains the research methodology. In particular, you’re to write how you collected data and what methods you used.


Results & Discussions

Present the results of your research.



Analyze the results and discuss how they relate to the previous researches.


Suggested Readings:

Provide an alphabetized list of all the sources you were using. Among other things you should include in a research paper are: graphs and tables depicting experimental results and statistics-in order to ensure better readability, you might want to include them in the appendices section.



Presentation and print out of the Presentation slides of the Research Paper





E- Resources

  1. www.researchgate.net
  2. https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/
  3. https://www.scribbr.com/category/research-paper/
  4. https://libguides.dixie.edu/                                                                       Journals
  5. ACM Journal-ACM Digital Library(https://dl.acm.org › journals)
  6. IEEE Journals (www.ieeeexplore.ieee.org)
  7. International Journal of Educational Research(https://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-educational-research)
  8. Journal of Computer Science (https://thescipub.com/jcs)                                                                                              


Academic Year: