Testing Tools Lab

Paper Code: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to

  1. Perform basic testing operations and develop test cases.
  2. Familiarize with the existing testing tools for web based and desktop applications.
  3. Write test scripts and execute them.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies








24DBCA 502A




Testing Tools Lab


CO295. Perform manual testing on sample applications.

CO296. Assess the existing testing tools available in the industry.

CO297. Create test scripts using automation tool such as Eclipse & Selenium IDE for various scenarios.

CO298.   Design       and develop a test plan document for different Systems.

CO299. Plan test project, design test cases and data, conduct  testing operations, manage software problems and defects, generate a testing report.

CO300. Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction. 

Approach in teaching: 

Interactive Lectures,




Learning activities for the students: 

Self-learning assignments, Practical questions

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Presentation,

Individual and group

Assignments, viva-voce



Experiment 1: Write and execute manual test cases in prescribed format

1.1 To test basic calculator functionalities (addition / subtraction / multiplication / division).

1.2 To test basic mobile calling functionality.

1.3 To test basic ATM money withdrawal functionality. 

1.4 To test login functionality on amazon site

1.5 To test hotel search functionality on makemytrip.com 

Test case format for Experiment #1

Experiment 2: Write a defect for at-least two failed tests in Experiment #1

Experiment 3: Develop a test plan document for Library Management System

Experiment 4: Study of any Bug Tracking Tool (Jira/Bugzilla, MantisBT etc.) & report writing

Experiments on Automation Testing:

Experiment 1: Environment setup for Selenium IDE. Installation of Selenium IDE plugin with Chrome or Firefox.

Experiment 2: Record and run following test script, using Selenium IDE for following scenario

  1. Open http://www.google.co.in
  2. Search for IIS University
  3. Assert that search result page launched
  4. Click on IIS University link
  5. Assert that IIS University webpage launched

Experiment 3: Record and run following test script, using Selenium IDE for following scenario

  1. Open http://automationpractice.com/index.php
  2. Search for item 'Dresses'
  3. Assert valid search result page returned with valid items.
  4. Click on item 'Printed Chiffon Dress'
  5. Assert Product Details page for 'Printed Chiffon Dress' launched
  6. Assert Product price is $16.40

Experiment 4: Record and run following test script, using Selenium IDE for following scenario

  1. Open http://automationpractice.com/index.php
  2. Search for item 'Dresses'
  3. Click on item 'Printed Chiffon Dress'
  4. Add qty 4 of this item to cart
  5. Proceed to Checkout
  6. Assert Total are 4
  7. Assert Shipping charges are $2.00

Experiment 5: Environment setup for webdriver.

Reference - https://www.guru99.com/installing-selenium-webdriver.html

Experiment 6: Write a webdriver script to launch IIS University Website and after a wait of 10 seconds, close the browser. (Ref - https://www.toolsqa.com/selenium-webdriver/first-test-case/)


  1. Black Rex, E. V. Veenendaal and D. Graham, “Foundations of Software Testing ISTQB Certification”, fourth Ed., Cengage Learning, 2020.


Academic Year: