Paper Code: 
CBDA 413
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to

  1. Create web sites using HTML and CSS.
  2. Implement responsive websites using JAVASCRIPT.

Course Outcomes (COs).

Course Outcomes (at course  level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

On completion of this course, the students will:

CO176. Write syntactically and stylistically correct HTML documents and CSS style sheets.

CO177. Write scripts to solve real- world programs using various programming constructs of JavaScript.

CO178. Write PHP code to produce outcomes and solve problems.

CO179. Acquire skills to design visually appealing websites.

CO180. Create and demonstrate responsive website.


Approach in teaching:

Interactive  Lectures,                    Discussion, Demonstration, Role plays


Learning activities for the students: Self-learning                   assignments,                   Quiz activity,                   Effective                   questions, presentation, flip classroom, project development

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects and peer review.


  • Introduction to HTML, HTML Versions, HTML web page structure, Heading, paragraphs, HTML Formatting, Quotations, comments, colors, images, tables, lists, block and inline elements
  • Iframes, HTML Links, The HTML5 DOCTYPE, migrating from HTML 4 to HTML5, Vision and Philosophy behind HTML5. What’s new in HTML5, browser support, coding conventions in HTML 5.
  • Semantic elements:<article>, <aside>, <figcaption>, <figure>, <footer>, <header>, <main>, <nav>, <section>, <summary>, <time>.
  •  Introduction to HTML Forms: Form Object, Text element, Password element, Button element, submit button, reset button, Checkbox element, Radio element, Text area, Select and option element. New attributes for <input>: autofocus, formaction, formmethod, formnovalidate, height and width, list, min and max.                                                                           
  • Cascading Style Sheets: Understanding Style Sheets, CSS Syntax and Applying Style Sheets to HTML document, Developing Style Sheets: inline, internal and external. <DIV> tag, using class and ID, Styling Backgrounds, Styling borders, Styling Text, Styling Fonts, Styling Links, Styling Lists, Styling Tables, Margin.
  • Introduction client-server technologies: comparison between client-side and server-side scripting. JavaScript: Introduction, Advantages of using JavaScript, Writing JavaScript in HTML
  •  Basic Programming Techniques: Data Types and Literals, creating variables, Operators (Arithmetic, Logical, Comparison, String and Assignment operator and special operators: delete, new and void) and Expressions in JavaScript. JavaScript Programming Constructs: Conditional checking (if-then-else statement), Loops (for loop and While loop).
  • PHP: Introduction, Basic syntax, inserting comments, Data types, Variables, Constants, Strings, Operators, Conditional statements and looping constructs.


  1. Dane Cameron, “HTML 5, Java Script and JQuery,CisdalPublishing; 2nd edition
  2. Thomas Powell, Fritz Schneider “JavaScript-The Complete Reference”, Tata McGraw Hill, Second Edition
  3. Christopher Murphy, DivyaManian, Richard Clark ,Beginning HTML5 and CSS3: The Web Evolved, Apress, 1st edition
  4. Larry Ullman, “PHP 6 & MySQL 5, For Dynamic Websites” Peachpit Press.
  5. Jake Spurlock,”Bootstrap: Responsive Web Development”, O'Reilly Media




  1. James Jaworski, “Mastering JavaScript &JScsript”, BPB Publications.
  2. Ivan Bayross, “HTML, Javascript, DHTML, and PHP”, BPB Publications.
  3. Website: http://www.w3schools.com.





  • Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, SpringerOpen
  • Journal of Internet Services and Applications, SpringerOpen




Academic Year: