1. Implementation of algorithms on line, circle
2. Two Dimensional transformations- Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection
3. Composite 2D Transformation
4. 2D Line Clipping- Cohen Sutherland
5. 3D Transformation- Translation, Rotation, Scaling
6. Polygon Clipping- Hodgeman Polygon Clipping
7. Drawing 2D & 3D objects
8. Generating images
9. Implementation of programs using following functions. Instructors will instruct students to use different given graphics functions in making graphics programs: circle, cleardevice, closegraph, drawpoly, fillpoly, imagesize, line, lineto, linerel, moveto, moverel, outtext, outtextxy, putimage, putpixel, rectangle, sector, setbkcolor, setcolor, setfillstyle, setlinestyle, getarccords, getbkcolor, getcolor, getdrivername, getimage, getmaxcolor, getmaxx, getmaxy, getpixel.