This paper is designed to understand the role of statistics in computers.
Frequency distributions, Graphical representation of data (Histograms, Frequency Polygons, Smoothed frequency curves and Ogives), computation of Measures of Central Tendency (mean, median, mode), Measures of Dispersion (Range, QD, MD, SD), coefficient of Dispersion.
Basic ideas of Permutation and Combination, Classical Theory of Probability, Law of total and compound probability, Conditional probability, Baye’s theorem (simple question based on the theorem).
Random variable, discrete and continuous random variables, Distribution function, probability distribution function. Mathematical expectation & moment generating functions.
Theoretical Discrete Distributions: Binomial and Poisson distributions with mean & variance, Poisson distribution as limiting case of Binomial distribution.
Theoretical Continuous Distribution: Normal distribution with its properties, Simple questions based on area property.
Fitting of curves: Principle of curve fitting, fitting of straight line and second degree parabola by least squares method.
Correlation: Definition and types, properties of correlation, methods of studying correlation- Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation and Spearman Rank Correlation
Linear Regression - Definition, Fitting of two lines of regression, Regression coefficients with simple properties.